WHITEPAPER UPDATE for Guild of Guardians

Guardians, we're excited to announce the release of our eagerly anticipated updated Guild of Guardians whitepaper. This extensive update is a key step towards realizing our ambition to redefine gaming through the power of web3, with a sharpened focus on the intricacies of our in-game economy. 

This update focuses on:

  • Our vision for Guild of Guardians as a mobile Squad RPG
  • Updated market overview on the mobile RPG genre
  • Highlights on our in-game economy metagame
  • Introduction to the Altar of Sacrifice, a web-based economy management & minting system
  • Details on Guardian mechanics like Radiance / Enlightenment and Equipment mechanics like Material Merging, Crafting and Upgrades
  • $GOG Token Utility overview 

For those who are new to our community, Guild of Guardians leverages blockchain technology to empower players with true ownership of in-game assets, enabling the freedom to trade or these assets. 

Our vision is to attract and onboard millions of players into the exciting realm of Guild of Guardians and web3. Our strategy centers on creating an accessible and inclusive gaming environment that bridges the gap between web2 and web3 gaming experiences. By offering a web2 pathway into GOG first, we lower the barrier to entry into the game, making it effortless for new players to immerse themselves in our world. This dual approach ensures that all players, regardless of their familiarity with blockchain technology, can enjoy the rich narrative and gameplay of Guild of Guardians from the outset.

With that, coupled with the ease of onboarding through tools like Immutable Passport, we can gradually introduce the benefits and possibilities of web3 gaming to mainstream gamers. Players have the option to elevate their game by converting their Guardians into NFTs using a Minting Resource, thus unlocking the full potential of the blockchain experience with additional rewards and bonuses.

This whitepaper is a living document that we will keep updated as we continue to build upon the game. As promised, our next whitepaper update will include detailed insights into the new designs of Pets, Guilds and Energy Boosters.

Dive into the UPDATED WHITEPAPER now: https://portal.guildofguardians.com/

Join us as we pave the way towards a revolutionary gaming experience where community, ownership, and innovation meet.


Ready to step into the Guild of Guardians Ecosystem? There’s a plethora of ways for you to dive in:

🤝 Connect with Fellow Guardians! Jump into our Discord and immerse yourself in our bustling community of like-minded enthusiasts.

💎 Unlock the gateway to a myriad of rewards and enhanced experiences through $GOG tokens! Secure your $GOG now on OKX or Sushiswap!